Creating a stronger relationship: an honest space for funders and race equality organisations 

I will commit to advocating for more flexible funding criteria within my organisation.
— Funder

Our key insights

On 15 May, the Funders for Race Equality Alliance (FREA) collaborated with London Funders, as part of their 2024 Festival of Learning, to convene a space that focused on creating a stronger relationship between funders and race equality organisations.  

As member-led organisations, both FREA and London Funders share the commitment to drive action towards a more just and equitable funding system. Based on this, we wanted to combine our resources and networks to create a shared, honest space for both sectors to come together to explore: 

  • What funding approaches have already worked to support race equality organisations 

  • How we can build on these actions and deepen relationships 

  • How we can address the barriers that get in the way of commitments to provide more accessible and sustainable funding. 

We recognise that these conversations are not new. This event served as a space for funders and race equality organisations to further build on the relationships and strengthen trust.  

Thank you to all our attendees, whose vital participation through sharing of knowledge, experience and expertise allowed this event to be as rich, challenging, and insightful as it was. In order to not lose the nuance of the conversations had, this write-up focuses on one of the main questions discussed:  

What do we want funding for race equality organisations to look like? 

The key word that arose from this discussion was sustainability. Funding for race equality organisations must be more sustainable to allow for true systemic change. But what does sustainable funding look like in practice?

Long-term grants 

  • Long-term commitments in the form of multi-year grants 

  • Some race equality organisations suggested the figure of 5-year grants as a minimum 

More unrestricted and core funding 

  • More unrestricted funding creates flexibility 

  • Funding that covers the whole cost of delivering the work and focuses on funding core salaries

  • More grants dedicated to capacity building support, including training and development


Streamlining application and reporting processes 

"We face significant challenges in meeting the stringent reporting requirements imposed by funders." – Race equality organisation 

"There's a real need to balance accountability with flexibility. We can sometimes be too rigid, which stifles innovation." – Funder 

  • A more flexible approach to grant applications – for example, video applications or accepting applications from other funders 

  • More flexible reporting processes that are proportionate to the funding given and reflected in the length of grant and capacity of the organisation


More than just money 

  • Personal and organisational relationships between funders and race equality organisations can be created and nourished in regular, informal engagement opportunities

  • Funders building a deep understanding of the beneficiary communities and the racial inequities they face 

  • Support beyond financial needs, for example, sharing expertise, networks, and providing development support


Final thoughts 

“There isn’t just one perfect way of funding” 

It is important to recognise that not every approach will work for every race equality organisation or for every funder. This event was another step towards a more equitable funding landscape, driving systemic change and advancing racial equity in grant making. 


Here are some actions that attendees left the event with: 

"I will commit to advocating for more flexible funding criteria within my organisation." - Funder 

"I will work on building stronger relationships with potential funders by engaging more." - Race equality organisation 

"I plan to push forward on initiating a programme that focuses on flexible funding for race equality organisations." - Funder 

"I will seek out opportunities like this to find out more about what funding is available and what funders are thinking." - Race equality organisation 


If you have any thoughts or questions, please leave them below or send an email to


Joint letter from Civic Power Fund, Funders for Race Equality Alliance, Justice Together Initiative and Migration Exchange


Introducing the Reimagining Horizons programme